
Wonderful Salt & Pepper Pistachios, 48 oz.


All-natural and gluten-free roasted pistachios

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Made in USA


Savor the taste of the Wonderful 48 Oz. Salt & Pepper Pistachios. The pistachios are all natural and gluten free, providing an excellent serving of Vitamin B6, Copper and Manganese. To ensure maximum flavor, they ‘ve been roasted and seasoned with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Product Features:

  • All-natural and gluten-free roasted pistachios
  • Seasoned with salt and pepper
  • Excellent source of Vitamin B6, Copper and Manganese
  • Non GMO
  • Includes 48 oz. bag of pistachios

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains nuts.

(Model 091842A26N)



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Model Number091842A26N
Count1 Bag
Serving Size1/2 Cup
Number of People Served24
Preparation TypeSalted
Allergen Risk(s)Tree nuts
Country of OriginUSA
IngredientsPistachios, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Onion Powder, Dextrose, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Natural Flavor and Yeast Extract
Gluten FreeYes
Ingredient(s)Pistachios, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Onion Powder, Dextrose, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Natural Flavor, Yeast Extract
Product WarningsContains Nuts
Weight3 lbs.
Shelf Life12 Months
Sugar FreeNo
Unit Size48 oz.
Units Per Sell Quantity1
Includes48 oz. Bag of Pistachios
Dimensions5.6″L x 4″W x 12.75″H
Item Length5.6″
Item Width4″
Item Height12.75″
Item Weight3 lbs.


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