
Wellsley Farms Roasted Mixed Nuts, 56 oz.


Great value

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Refuel throughout the day with a snack of Wellsley Farms Roasted Mixed Nuts. No matter what your schedule looks like, there ‘s always time for this peanut, almond, cashew, Brazil nut, filbert and pecan medley. This nutritious snack even provides 6g of protein in every serving.

Product Features:

  • Great value
  • Reclosable lid that extends freshness
  • Wholesome snack
  • Contains peanuts, cashews, almonds, filberts, and pecans
  • Includes 56-oz. fresh roasted mixed nuts

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains product contains peanuts and tree nuts

(Model 06003)



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Model Number06003
Country of OriginPeanuts: USA, Argentina and Mexico; Almonds: USA; Cashews: Vietnam, Brazil, India and Indonesia; Filberts: USA and Turkey; Pecans: USA and Mexico
Allergen Risk(s)Peanuts, Tree Nuts
Fat FreeNo
Gluten FreeYes; Manufacturing Plant is Not Gluten Free
IngredientsPeanuts, Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Pecans Roasted in Peanut and/or Cottonseed and/or Sunflower Seed and/or Canola Oil, Salt
Lactose FreeYes
Low SodiumNo
Serving Size1 oz.
Shelf Life2 Years
Sugar FreeNo
Dimensions6″L x 6″W x 7″H
Item Length6″
Item Width6″
Item Height7″
Weight3.5 oz.


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