
Wellsley Farms Gourmet Dried Apricots, 40 oz.


Dried apricot pieces with natural flavors and sunflower oil

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Enjoy the natural goodness of Wellsley Farms 40 Oz. Gourmet Dried Apricots. Pack some pieces as a snack or use them to top off your salad or other recipe. Apricots are a good source of Potassium and Vitamin E for a healthy alternative to other sugary snacks.

Product Features:

  • Dried apricot pieces with natural flavors and sunflower oil
  • Apricots are a good source of Potassium and Vitamin E
  • Gluten free and kosher
  • Includes 40 oz. of dried apricots




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In-Club Style Number32945
Model NumberBJ-40ZAPRICOT
Product TypeApricots
IngredientsDried Apricots, Natural Flavors, Sunflower Oil. Sulfur Dioxide and/or Sodium Bisulfite and/or Potassium Sorbate Added as Preservatives.
Preparation TypeOther
Country of OriginTurkey
Gluten FreeYes
Weight40 oz.
Ingredient(s)Dried Apricots, Natural Flavors, Sunflower Oil, Sulfur Dioxide and/or Sodium Bisulfite and/or Potassium Sorbate Added as Preservatives
Shelf Life9 Months
Unit Size40 oz.
Units Per Sell Quantity1
Includes40 oz. Container of Dried Apricots
Item Weight40 oz.


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