
Wellsley Farms Fruit & Grain Cereal Bars Variety Pack, 48 ct.


Golden-brown cereal bars feature real fruit filling

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Filled with real, delicious fruit and topped with rolled oats, the Wellsley Farms Strawberry, Blueberry and Apple Cinnamon Fruit and Grain Cereal Bar Variety Pack offers a simple, scrumptious on-the-go snack. Every bar delivers 8g of whole grain.

Product Features:

  • Golden-brown cereal bars feature real fruit filling
  • Strawberry, blueberry and apple cinnamon flavors
  • Topped with rolled oats
  • 8g of whole grain per bar
  • No artificial flavors
  • Includes 48 bars

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains wheat, milk, soy and eggs and may contain peanuts and tree nuts.
  • (Model 888670044230)

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    Model Number888670044230
    Serving Size1 Bar
    Bar FlavorApple Cinnamon, Blueberry, Strawberry
    Number of People Served48
    Fruit(s)Apple, Blueberry, Strawberry
    IngredientsSee Package for Ingredients
    Allergen Risk(s)Eggs, Milk, Soy, Wheat
    Country of OriginCanada
    Product WarningsMay Contain Peanuts and Tree Nuts
    Ingredient(s)See Package
    Weight5.34 lbs.
    Shelf Life300 Days
    Units Per Sell Quantity48
    Includes48 Bars
    Dimensions9.9″L x 7.9″W x 6″H
    Item Length9.9″
    Item Width7.9″
    Item Height6″
    Item Weight5.34 lbs.
    SKU: B000619098 Categorías: , , ,
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