
UTZ Pub Mix Crunchy Snacks, 20 oz.


Unique, savory snack blend

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Made in USA


UTZ Pub Mix Crunch Snacks include a unique blend of flavored and unflavored snack pieces. This savory blend is great between meals or when you ‘re on the go. Their unique variety also makes for a great party snack.

Product Features:

  • Unique, savory snack blend
  • Great for parties, on the go, or as an in-between meal snack
  • Product of USA
  • Includes 20-oz. crunchy snacks

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains wheat, milk, soy, barley, rye, corn, sesame

(Model 041780002723)



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Model Number041780002723
Country of OriginUSA
Allergen Risk(s)Wheat, Milk, Soy, Barley, Rye, Corn, Sesame
Fat FreeNo
No Trans FatYes
Gluten FreeNo
IngredientsSee Package
Lactose FreeNo
Low SodiumNo
Natural and Artificial FlavoringYes
Shelf Life14 Weeks
Whole GrainNo
Dimensions5.223″L x 5.223″W x 12.343″H
Weight20 oz.


SKU: B000142807 Categorías: , , ,
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