
UTZ Potato Chips Snack Bags Vending Services Pack, 60 pk./1 oz.


UTZ Potato Chips snack bags for vending services

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Made in USA


UTZ Potato Chips Snack Bags Vending Services Pack include the crunchy taste of UTZ regular potato chips as single serve item, ideal for vending services. These packs are great for school lunches, businesses, or anyone being mindful of portion control.

Product Features:

  • UTZ Potato Chips snack bags for vending services
  • Great for lunches, businesses, or portion control
  • Ideal for vending machines
  • Single serve
  • Product of USA
  • Includes 60 packs of UTZ Potato Chips snack bags

(Model 041780006028)



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Model Number041780006028
Popcorn Flavor/SeasoningSalted
Country of OriginUSA
Fat FreeNo
No Trans FatYes
Gluten FreeYes
IngredientsPotatoes, Cottonseed Oil and Salt
Lactose FreeYes
Low SodiumNo
Natural and Artificial FlavoringNo
Number of Bags in a Box60
Number of Ounces Per Bag1 oz.
Shelf Life12 Weeks
Whole GrainNo
Includes60 Packs of UTZ Potato Chips Snack Bags
Dimensions13.296″L x 20.136″W x 12.541″H
Weight60 oz.


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