
Twix Fun Size Variety Bag, 85 ct.


This bulk pack contains 85 individually wrapped fun size pieces of Twix chocolate candy bars

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Do you love Twix but have a hard time choosing your favorite? You don ‘t have to with the Twix fun size variety mix. This 85-piece mix contains individual fun size pieces of Twix Cookies & Creme, Twix Original, and Twix White Chocolate candy bars. Fill your candy bowl with these chocolates and easily hand them out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. They ‘re also a great choice for sharing at parties and around the office. Whatever the occasion, you can ‘t go wrong with a bag of bulk Twix Fun Size Variety Mix.

Product Features:

  • This bulk pack contains 85 individually wrapped fun size pieces of Twix chocolate candy bars
  • Featuring Twix Cookies and Crème, Twix Original, and Twix White Chocolate
  • Fill your office candy dish with fun size Twix chocolate candy bars

(Model 407383)



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Model Number407383
Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days


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