
Skintimate Vanilla Sugar Disposable Razors, 15 ct.


Four smooth protect blades provide fewer nicks and cuts

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Skintimate Warm Vanilla Sugar Disposable Razors feature a scented handle that turns shaving into a relaxing, self-pampering experience. Four smooth protect blades provide a close shave and help prevent nicks and cuts. The exfoliating lubrication strip leaves skin feeling soft and smooth and helps protect sensitive skin from irritation. For an optimal shave, use your razor with Skintimate Skin Therapy Shave Cream or any Skintimate Shave Gel product.

Product Features:

  • Four smooth protect blades provide fewer nicks and cuts
  • Gently exfoliating strip leaves skin soft and smooth
  • Warm vanilla sugar scent
  • Great shave and a great value
  • Spa treatment at home
  • (Model W301820000)

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    Model NumberW301820000
    Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
    Number of Cartridges4 blades
    SKU: B002444253 Categorías: , , ,
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