
Quaker Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookies, 50 pk./1.69 oz.


Individually wrapped

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Made in USA
These baked breakfast cookies are made with natural and artificial flavors and whole grain oats. Just microwave for 10 seconds and you ‘ll have a warm, soft breakfast cookie. Perfect for eating on-the-go, or when you ‘re rushing to early meetings, Quaker Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookies are exactly what you need for the office or home.

Product Features:

  • Individually wrapped
  • Microwaveable wrapper
  • Made with whole grain oats
  • Made in the USA
  • Includes fifty 1.69-oz. breakfast cookies

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains wheat and egg
  • May contain traces of tree nuts
  • (Model 27325)

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    Model Number27325
    Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
    Serving Size1 Cookie
    IngredientsSee Package
    Country of OriginUSA
    Product WarningsContains Wheat and Egg. May Contain Traces of Tree Nuts
    IncludesFifty 1.69-oz. Breakfast Cookies
    Dimensions17.5″L x 7.75″W x 5.5″H
    Weight84.5 oz.
    SKU: B001121600 Categorías: , , ,
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