
Quaker Life Cereal, 2 pk./31 oz.


Each serving contains 20g of whole grains

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Made in USA
Both delicious and nutritious, each serving of Quaker Life 31 Oz. Cereal contains 20g of whole grains. To help preserve the wholesome goodness, both bags of cereal are resealable.

Product Features:

  • Each serving contains 20g of whole grains
  • Excellent source of B vitamins
  • Promotes heart health
  • Includes two 31 oz. resealable bags

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Contains wheat ingredients.
  • (Model 003000043749)

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    In-Club Style Number18366
    Model Number3000043749
    Allergen Risk(s)Wheat
    Cereal TypeWheat
    Country of OriginUSA
    Gluten FreeNo
    Grams of Sugar6
    IngredientsSee Package
    Number of Bags in Box2
    Number of Pounds3
    Product WarningsContains Wheat
    Resealable PackagingYes
    Shelf Life60 Days
    Whole WheatYes
    IncludesTwo 31 oz. Bags of Cereal
    Weight3.88 lbs.
    SKU: B000151201 Categorías: , , ,
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