
Planters Pistachio Lovers Mix, 18.5 oz.


Best quality Californian pistachios used

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Made in USA


This resealable canister contains a perfect mixture of pistachios, almonds and cashews to give you a salty snack that will satisfy your taste buds with every handful. The combination of nuts in this 18.5 oz. canister gives you a delicious range of flavors and textures. A great option to keep around the house for the whole family to enjoy.

Product Features:

  • Best quality Californian pistachios used
  • Contains 6 essential vitamins and minerals
  • Good source of dietary fiber
  • Resealable canister

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Product of USA

(Model 029000017191)


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Why People Are Nuts for Us

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Always There in Crunch Time

Go Behind the Shell

  • Resealable Lid

    Nothing brings people together like fresh Planters peanuts. From resealable canisters to Pop & Pour jars, all Planters nuts are packaged with freshness in mind. Our innovative packaging locks in flavor and keeps nuts in prime condition.
  • Deluxe Options Available

    With years of expertise, Planters Nuts created deluxe cashews as an elevated snack for any occasion. Whether it is for a family gathering or just a special moment at home, our premium cashews always deliver high quality to you
  • Sizes for All Your Cravings

    Whether you want salted almonds, unsalted, dry roasted, honey roasted, whole nuts, cashew halves and pieces, peanuts, mixed nuts, Planters nuts has a container size to match your needs. From work lunches to after school snacks, enjoy any size of Planters peanuts.
  • .wc-richfeatures-layout-computer ul.wc-rich-content-orientation-banner-image #wcr-rf-sjdvkd_wcrid4 { max-width:970px!important; } .wc-richfeatures-layout-computer ul.wc-rich-content-orientation-banner-image #wcr-rf-sjdvkd_wcrid4 .wc-rf-banner-image-container { max-width:970px!important; padding-bottom:61.85567%!important; } .wc-richfeatures-layout-computer ul.wc-rich-content-orientation-banner-image #wcr-rf-sjdvkd_wcrid4.wc-rf-box-placement-below .wc-rf-banner-image-container, .wc-richfeatures-layout-computer ul.wc-rich-content-orientation-banner-image #wcr-rf-sjdvkd_wcrid4.wc-rf-box-location-below .wc-rf-banner-image-container { padding-bottom:0!important; }

Find Your Fit

Showing 14 of 5 Products
Planters PeanutsPlanters Mixed NutsPlanters CashewsPlanters Cheez BallsPlanters Almonds
Honey Roasted, Chili Lime, Chipotle, Salt & Vinger, Cocoa, Salted Caramel
Honey Roasted, Pistachio Mix, Nuts & Chocolate, Spicy, Cajun, Fruit & Nut
Honey Roaster, Hot & Spicy, Cayenne, BBQ
Original Cheez, White Cheddar, Nacho Cheez, Blazin ‘ Hot
Pumpkin Spice, Cocoa, Drizzle
Cooking Method/Nut Form
Dry Roasted, Smoked, Cocktail, Virginia Peanuts, Spanish Redskin
Halves & Pieces, Whole Cashews
Dry Roasted, Smoked, Sliced, Slivered
12 oz., 16 oz., 20 oz., 34.5 oz., 52 oz.
10.3 oz., 15 oz., 15.25 oz., 18.5 oz., 27 oz., 34 oz., 56 oz
8 oz., 14 oz., 18.25 oz., 26 oz., 46 oz.
1.2 oz., 2.75 oz.
6.5 oz., 1.25 oz., 37 oz.
Salt Levels
Unsalted, Lightly Salted
Unsalted, Lightly Salted, Sea Salt
Unsalted, Lightly Salted, Sea Salt
Deluxe Option





On-the-Go Option







Pop & Pour Option







Bulk Option









Planters PeanutsPlanters Mixed NutsPlanters CashewsPlanters Cheez BallsPlanters Almonds
Honey Roasted, Chili Lime, Chipotle, Salt & Vinger, Cocoa, Salted Caramel
Honey Roasted, Pistachio Mix, Nuts & Chocolate, Spicy, Cajun, Fruit & Nut
Honey Roaster, Hot & Spicy, Cayenne, BBQ
Original Cheez, White Cheddar, Nacho Cheez, Blazin ‘ Hot
Pumpkin Spice, Cocoa, Drizzle
Cooking Method/Nut Form
Dry Roasted, Smoked, Cocktail, Virginia Peanuts, Spanish Redskin
Halves & Pieces, Whole Cashews
Dry Roasted, Smoked, Sliced, Slivered
12 oz., 16 oz., 20 oz., 34.5 oz., 52 oz.
10.3 oz., 15 oz., 15.25 oz., 18.5 oz., 27 oz., 34 oz., 56 oz
8 oz., 14 oz., 18.25 oz., 26 oz., 46 oz.
1.2 oz., 2.75 oz.
6.5 oz., 1.25 oz., 37 oz.
Salt Levels
Unsalted, Lightly Salted
Unsalted, Lightly Salted, Sea Salt
Unsalted, Lightly Salted, Sea Salt
Deluxe Option





On-the-Go Option







Pop & Pour Option







Bulk Option










* There are multiple items available for the product.


Pop. Pour. Eat. Repeat.


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Model Number002900001720
Country of OriginUSA
Allergen Risk(s)Nuts
Fat FreeNo
Gluten FreeNo
IngredientsPistachios, Almonds, Cashews, Peanut Oil, Sea Salt
Lactose FreeYes
Low SodiumNo
Number of People Served19
Product WarningsContains Pistachios, Almonds, Cashews
Serving Size1 oz.
Shelf Life60 Days
Sugar FreeNo
Includes18.5 oz. of Pistachios, Almonds and Cashews
Item Length4.2 ‘ ‘
Item Width4.2 ‘ ‘
Item Height5.8 ‘ ‘
Weight18.5 oz.


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