
Oreo Double Stuffed Fall Treats, 45 ct.


Oreo Variety Pack with Double Stuf and Halloween Oreo

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Made in USA


Oreo Fall Treats contains Oreo treats the whole family can enjoy. Double Stuf and Halloween Oreos with two full-size cookies in each pack. Perfect for the lunch box or snacking on-the-go. There are 45 packs in each box, including 25 Double Stuf and 20 Halloween Oreos. Halloween Oreos are embossed with cool spooky designs on the cookies.

Product Features:

  • Oreo Variety Pack with Double Stuf and Halloween Oreo
  • 25 Double Stuf packs and 20 Halloween Oreo packs
  • Two full-size cookies in each pack – perfect for the lunch box or on-the-go snacking
  • Halloween Oreos have cool spooky designs on each cookie
  • Includes 45 packs

(Model 04400006072)



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Model Number04400006072
Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
Cookie FlavorDouble Stuffed, Boo
Country of OriginUSA


SKU: B001689753 Categorías: , , ,
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