
Oral-B Pro-Health Toothbrushes, 8 pk.


CrossAction bristles are angled in opposing directions to lift out and sweep away plaque

Reportar Abuso
The Oral-B Pro-Health Manual Toothbrush with CrossAction bristles has superior plaque removal* and removes up to 90% of hard-to-reach plaque.**

Product Features:

  • CrossAction bristles are angled in opposing directions to lift out and sweep away plaque
  • Angled bristles for 90% deeper reach**
  • 550 extra-long PowerTip Bristles help clean hard to reach places
  • Blue indicator bristles fade halfway so you know when to replace your brush
  • Includes 8 toothbrushes

    Product Warnings and Restrictions:

  • Not intended for children 3 years and under. Replace brush every 3 months
  • (Model 00300410828912)

    *vs. a regular manual toothbrush

    **One time brushing studies

    From the Manufacturer|Powered by  Webcollage 

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    Oral-B Pro-Health Manual Toothbrush

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      Oral-B Pro-Health Manual Toothbrush removes up to 90% of plaque with CrossAction and power tip brist

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    Model Number00300410828912
    Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
    Includes8 Toothbrushes
    Dimensions8.89″L x 0.74″W x 9.25″H
    Weight0.48 lbs.
    SKU: B001165114 Categorías: , , ,
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