
Oral-B Pro Advantage Battery Powered Toothbrush, 2 pk.


Includes 2 handles, 3 brush heads & 4 AA batteries

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Power up to a better clean with the Oral-B Pro Advantage Battery Powered Toothbrush. FlossAction brush heads clean deep between teeth to remove plaque for healthy gums. Improve your oral health by removing more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush with each use. Replace brush head every 3 months. Includes 2 handles, 3 replacement heads & 4 AA batteries

Product Features:

  • Includes 2 handles, 3 brush heads & 4 AA batteries
  • Deep clean between teeth to remove plaque
  • Freshens breath by gently cleansing the surface of your teeth
  • Consistent battery performance
  • Oral-B is the #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide
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    Model Number006905504455
    Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
    SKU: B002386749 Categorías: , , ,
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