
Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Comfort Plus Dental Floss, 6 pk.


Contains 6 packs of Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Comfort Plus Floss with over 550 uses** **based on 18 inches of floss per use

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Oral-B Glide Pro-Heath Comfort Plus Floss is extra soft and gentle on gums, yet tough on plaque. Experience the Glide difference with this unique floss that ‘s smooth, strong, and shred resistant. Satisfaction Guaranteed, or your money back. For guarantee, call 1-877-769-8791 within 60 days of purchase with UPC and receipt.

Product Features:

  • Contains 6 packs of Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Comfort Plus Floss with over 550 uses** **based on 18 inches of floss per use
  • Slides up to 50% more easily vs. regular floss
  • Combines comfort with cleaning power to effectively remove plaque between teeth and just below the gum line
  • Gently stimulates gums and helps prevent gingivitis as part of a complete dental plan
  • Contains a light coating of natural wax for improved grip
  • Soft on gums, hard on plaque
  • Mint flavor
  • Oral-B, #1 Dentist Recommended Brand Worldwide
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    TypeDental Floss
    SKU: B001794271 Categorías: , , ,
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