
Nestle Assorted Chocolate Bars, 30 ct.

Butterfinger bars offer the classic Butterfinger experience of a crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery center covered in chocolaty goodness

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Made in USA


All of your favorite Nestle chocolate bars are here in one assortment. This variety pack includes Butterfinger bars, Baby Ruth bars, Nestle Crunch bars and Butterfinger Cups. They ‘re perfect for snacking on the go or sharing. Each pack includes 30 candy bars.

Product Features:

  • Butterfinger bars offer the classic Butterfinger experience of a crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery center covered in chocolaty goodness
  • Baby Ruth bars are bursting with peanuts, rich caramel and chewy nougat
  • Nestle Crunch bars are chock full of creamy milk chocolate and airy crispies
  • Butterfinger Cups are an easy way to enjoy classic Butterfinger taste
  • Contains nuts
  • Includes 30 chocolate bars

(Model 2800092100)



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In-Club Style Number22443
Model Number2800092100
Number of Items in a Container30
Shelf Life150 Days
Country of OriginUSA


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