
Mariani Probiotic Apricots, 40 oz.



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A healthy digestive system is key to overall wellness and feeling great. Mariani Probiotic Apricots are a natural source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber works as a prebiotic, feeding the good probiotic bacteria in your system. GanedenBC30 probiotic cultures are unique, as they can better survive the harsh environment in the stomach, surviving 10x more effectively than yogurt cultures!* Add a few Mariani Probiotic Apricots to your oatmeal, blend with your favorite nuts for a high energy trail mix, stuff with soft cheese and almonds for a unique appetizer, or enjoy straight out of the bag as a healthy snack.

Product Features:

  • Probiotic
  • Good source of fiber
  • Good source of potassium
  • Good source of vitamin E

Product Warnings:

*In an independent lab study of a simulated gastric environment with a pH of 2.0 for two hours, GanedenBC30 delivered lived cells ten times more effectively than common probiotic yogurts.



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Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
Country of OriginTurkey
Fat FreeYes
Gluten FreeYes
Lactose FreeYes
Low SodiumYes
Size40 oz.
Sugar FreeYes


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