
Honestly Veggie Popper Duos Mac and Cheese, 12 oz.


Plant Protein

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Made in USA


Popper Duo ‘s Mac & Cheese are a made from veggies (green peas). Baked, not fried. Green Peas are the first ingredient. Two flavors in every bag. Not junk food, but a real vegetable snack. No guilt, just pure crunchy, delicious, vegetable eating pleasure. Gluten free, and no soy, corn, potato or wheat. Peanut Free. No artificial flavors and no artificial colors.

Product Features:

  • Plant Protein
  • Baked not Fried
  • 2g of Fiber
  • Flavored Baked Vegetable Snack
  • Gluten Free
  • No Soy, Corn, Potato or Wheat
  • Peanut Free

(Model 12649)



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Model Number12649
Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
Country of OriginUSA
Fat FreeNo
Gluten FreeYes
Lactose FreeNo
Low SodiumNo
Sugar FreeNo


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