
Colgate Total Toothpaste, Fresh Mint Stripe Gel, 5 pk./6.3 oz.


New breakthrough formula

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Unlike ordinary toothpaste, new Colgate total SF fresh mint toothpaste fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for whole mouth health.

Product Features:

  • New breakthrough formula
  • Mint toothpaste for long-lasting fresh breath
  • Fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for whole mouth health
  • Fights germs for an extra healthy smile
  • Helps prevent plaque, tartar, cavities and gingivitis
  • Now with relief for sensitive teeth
  • Gel toothpaste formula
  • Includes five 6.3-oz. packs of fresh mint stripe toothpaste gel
  • (Model 035000471260)

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    • Colgate Total Fresh Mint Stripe Toothpaste – Gel Formula

    • Fights Bacteria on Teeth, Tongue, Cheeks and Gums for Whole Mouth Health. 

    • Featuring a breakthrough formula. Colgate TotalSF Fresh Mint Stripe toothpaste offers protection against plaque, gingivitis, cavities, tartar, bad breath, weakened enamel, sensitivity and stains.

    • Mint toothpaste for long-lasting fresh breath.
    • Protect your whole mouth — teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums — with Colgate TotalSF toothpaste, Colgate TotalSF mouthwash and 360˚® toothbrushes.

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    Model Number035000471260
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