
Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks, 50 pk./1 oz.


Cheetos are packed full of flavor and crunch

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Cheetos Crunchy cheese flavored snacks are sure to please any crowd. Packed full of flavor and crunch, this snack will have you coming back for more. Perfect for concessions, convenient stores and packing lunches.

Product Features:

  • Cheetos are packed full of flavor and crunch
  • Perfect for concession convenient stores and packing lunches
  • Great on-the-go snack
  • Includes 50 Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks, 1 oz. each

(Model 028400044004)



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In-Club Style Number5351
Model Number028400044004
Number of Ounces Per Bag1
Number of Bags in a Case (if applicable)50
Variety PacksNo
Includes50 Count of Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks, 1 Oz. Each


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