
Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn Popcorn, 23 oz.


Made with real, simple ingredients, including real cane sugar and sea salt

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Like your favorite treat at the county fair, each large bag of Angie ‘s BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn Popcorn is packed with flavor. Enjoy this whole-grain, non-GMO popcorn as a vegan, gluten-free snack that ‘s made with real, simple ingredients. This salty and sweet kettle corn has 70 calories per cup and 0 grams trans fat per serving. Each bag of popcorn has delicious, pre-popped kettle corn that ‘s ready to eat right out of the bag. Keep this flavored popcorn on hand for road trips, office parties, after-school snacks, movie nights and other joyful snacking occasions. Order a bag of Angie ‘s BOOMCHICKAPOP Popcorn for a pop of positivity anytime.

Product Features:

  • Made with real, simple ingredients, including real cane sugar and sea salt
  • Grab a bag for an easy, salty-sweet snack that ‘s pre-popped and ready to eat
  • This kettle corn has 70 calories per cup of popcorn and 0 grams trans fat per serving
  • Stock up on this vegan, gluten-free snack that ‘s made with non-GMO, whole-grain popcorn




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Estimated Delivery3-5 Business Days
Gluten FreeYes
Sugar FreeNo
Low SodiumNo
Size23 oz.
Fat FreeNo
Lactose FreeYes


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